World Affairs Council - High school membership


Sign up your high school as a World Affairs member and introduce exciting international affairs programming to the classroom. From debate events and speaker series access to simulations and more, we’ll work with you to connect your students to new cultures, continents, and ideas.

School Information
A membership confers access to all High School Education programs, as well as special access to our signature Speaker Events. Upon submitting the online registration form below, your school will receive an introductory email from a World Affairs' staff member and an invoice for this year's membership fee. All invoices, in addition to membership and programming correspondence, will be sent via email to the the school's primary faculty advisor. 

Note: Please provide your School's Main Office number, not your number.

Financial Assistance
* The World Affairs Council of Philadelphia seeks to create positive and meaningful experiences in which students have the opportunity to engage with peers from a variety of backgrounds and communities.  As a result, World Affairs has limited funds to support students from schools without abundant resources.*

Faculty and Administrative Contacts

Faculty Advisors

All membership, programming, and event correspondence will be sent via email to the primary (and secondary, if submitted) faculty advisor(s) or homeschool group lead contact.
Faculty Advisor

i.e. Mr., Ms., Dr.

Ex. Social Studies Teacher, Guidance Counselor, etc.

Second Faculty Advisor

i.e. Mr., Ms., Dr.

Ex. Social Studies Teacher, Guidance Counselor, etc.

Accounting/Billing Representative

The membership fee for the academic year is $275 per school. A membership confers access to all high school Education programs, as well as special access to our signature Speaker Events. Upon submitting the online registration form below, your school will receive an introductory email from a World Affairs' staff member and an invoice for this year's membership fee. The invoice will be sent to the faculty advisor(s) as well as the required accounting/billing representative you provide.

*If your school requires financial assistance to support your participation with World Affairs, please indicate so on page 1 of this form, or contact Geoffrey Quinn, Associate Director Education, High Schools at or at 215-561-4700 ext. 207.

Please include extensions
Please submit contact information for an administrator at your school (Principal, Vice Principal, etc.).  If you are a homeschool group without an administrator, please input "N/A" for each required section.

i.e. Mr., Ms., Dr.

ex. Principal, Head of School, etc.

Please include extensions

High School Programs and Policies

Program Interest
Please select ALL the programs that you are interested in participating in this year. Indicating your interest does NOT mean you are registered for the program, nor does it indicate that you are required to participate in any/all of the program offerings, but it will help us as we continue to develop and implement new program designs for the future. More information about these programs can be found here.

World Affairs Council Policies and Procedures

* The World Affairs Council of Philadelphia's Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy

* The World Affairs Council of Philadelphia's Health and Safety Policy

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