Youth Programming Student Resources

Welcome to our Global Education Resources page! Here, you’ll discover a curated collection of external organizations, international media outlets, think tanks, and universities that we recommend for all your world affairs-related research and study needs.
If you would like to access past materials from World Affairs Council Education programs, including program books and briefing papers, please visit our Program Archive page.
If you are having trouble accessing a resource or would like access to suggest additional resources for this page, please reach out directly to Kristin Hutchinson, Vice President of Education, at or +1 267-802-1224.
Arab News (Middle East)
BBC World News (United Kingdom)
The China Daily (China)
Euractiv (European Union)
The Guardian (United Kingdom)
Hürriyet Daily News (Turkey)
The Japan Times (Japan)
The Korea Times (South Korea)
The Mail & Guardian (South Africa)
The National Post (Canada)
The New York Times (United States)
VoxEurop (European Union)
Ria Novosti (Russia)
The Rio Times (Brazil)
The Sydney Morning Herald (Australia)
The Times of India (India)
The Washington Post (United States)
Amnesty International
Aspen Institute
Brookings Institution
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Cato Institute
Center for Economic and Policy Research
Council on Foreign Relations
Council on Hemispheric Affairs
Economy Watch
Foreign Policy Research Institute
Human Rights Watch
Oxfam International
Pew Charitable Trusts
Pew Research Center
RAND Corporation
The Atlantic Council
United States Institute of Peace
Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars
World Affairs Councils of America
Asia-Pacific Education Cooperation (APEC)
Asia Society
Commonwealth Secretariat
Council of Europe
European Union
G20, the Group of Twenty
International Labor Organization
International Organization for Migration
Japan Society
North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE)
Organization of American States
Stevens Initiative
United Nations
World Health Organization
Association of Professional Schools of International Affairs
Boston University, Frederik S. Pardee School of Global Studies
College of William and Mary, School of Arts and Sciences, International Relations Program
Columbia University, School of International and Public Affairs
Drexel University, College of Arts and Sciences, Global Studies Program
Duquesne University, McAnulty College and Graduate School of Liberal Arts
Fordham University, International Studies Department
Georgetown University, Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service
George Mason University, College of Humanities and Social Science, Global Affairs Program
George Washington University, Elliot School of International Affairs
Harvard University, John F. Kennedy School of Government
Johns Hopkins University, School of Advanced International Studies
New York University, Center for Global Affairs
Northeastern University, College of Social Sciences and Humanities, International Affairs Program
Penn State, School of International Affairs
Princeton University, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs
Rutgers University, Division of Global Affairs
Saint Joseph’s University, College of Arts and Sciences, International Relations Program
Seton Hall University, School of Diplomacy and International Relations
Stanford University, Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies
Temple University, College of Liberal Arts, Global Studies Program
Tufts University, The Fletcher School
The College of New Jersey, School of Humanities & Social Sciences, International Studies Program
University of Delaware, Department of Political Science and International Relations
University of Richmond, School of Arts and Sciences, Global Studies Program
University of Pennsylvania, School of Arts and Sciences, International Relations Program
University of Southern California, School of International Relations
Urban Creators (Agriculture & Community Programs)
Philabundance (Food Insecurity)
Use this resource to learn about the basic functions and goals of the United Nations as “the one place on Earth where all the world’s nations can gather together, discuss common problems, and find shared solutions that benefit all of humanity.” Explore the UN’s work and members even further by clicking on the additional tabs listed on this page.
This video from CBC Kids News is a great way to introduce the United Nations to middle school students and break down the organization’s founding, principles and goals, and responsibilities.
The Counci’s Jr. Model United Nations program simulates a meeting of UN member states in the General Assembly, the UN’s main policy-making organ. Learn more about the General Assembly on the UN’s website.
Learn about the United Nation’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), adopted by all UN member states in 2015 as “a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future.” The Council greatly utilizes the SDGs to create each year’s Jr. Model UN committee topics and briefing papers, and this website is a great resource for students who want to really dive into research about the UN’s work and their assigned committee topic.
This video from the UN Association of Norway and UNICEF Norway explains the concept of sustainable development in a way that is geared towards middle school students who are being introduced to the topic for the first time.

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