Howard J. Herzog is a Senior Research Engineer in the MIT Energy Initiative. He received his undergraduate and graduate education in Chemical Engineering at MIT. Since 1989, he has been on the MIT research staff, where he works on sponsored research involving energy and the environment, with an emphasis on greenhouse gas mitigation technologies. He has industrial experience with Eastman Kodak, Stone & Webster, Aspen Technology, and Spectra Physics.

Dr. Balakrishnan
Co-founder & Chief Technology Officer, Oscilla Power
Dr. Balakrishnan Nair, co-founder and Chief Technology Officer at Oscilla Power, has over a decade of experience developing cleantech-related materials, devices, and systems. As the founding CEO of EmiSense, he led development of a novel ceramic emissions sensor for diesel engines through the company’s acquisition by Coorstek in 2008. Previously, Dr. Nair was a Principal Investigator at Ceramatec and a researcher at Argonne National Laboratory. Dr. Nair has a Ph.D. in Materials Science from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and a B.Tech. in Metallurgical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology- Bombay. He has 12 approved and 26 pending patents.

Dr. Jose
Co-Founder & Chief Technology Officer, NuScale Power
Jose N. Reyes is the co-founder of NuScale Power and co-designer of the NuScale passively-cooled small nuclear reactor. He is an internationally recognized expert on passive safety system design, testing and operations for nuclear power plants. He has served as a United Nations International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) technical expert on passive safety systems. He is a co-inventor on over 110 patents granted or pending in 20 countries. He has received several national awards including the 2013 Nuclear Energy Advocate Award, the 2014 American Nuclear Society Thermal Hydraulic Division Technical Achievement Award and the 2017 Nuclear Infrastructure Council Trailblazer Award. He is a fellow of the American Nuclear Society and a member of the National Academy of Engineering.

Dr. Chris
Chief Technology Officer, Oxford Photovoltaics
Dr Chris Case joined Oxford PV in April 2014. Chris brings a strong track record of senior technology management to the business. Since 2009, he has been running his own consultancy providing high level strategic technology commercialization advice to global companies and small companies alike, including Voltaix Llc; recently acquired by Air Liquide, and Surrey NanoSystems. His experience spans markets across the world including the US and he has worked for a number of companies – from large corporates to small start-ups – to help manage their IP portfolios, broaden their scope of influence and build successful and profitable businesses.